Camp Raining:

One year, while helping in Children’s Camp, the weather became a big challenge for leaders, cabin counselors and children alike. Here in northern Idaho the June weather varies in extremes from hot and sunny to rainy, windy and down-right cold. This year it was overcast, rainy and cold during the whole week of camp.

Our group was camped in a campground near Priest River but the river is rarely warm enough for swimming this time of year. Yet the young man in charge of Children’s Camp planned for the children to spend several hours each afternoon swimming. He made no backup plan for bad weather. Consequently, the cabin counselors and leaders were scrambling for ideas to occupy the children in the afternoon.

Thankfully I had included some extra craft projects for the girls in my cabin. This occupied them for about two hours on two of the days of camp. I wish I had brought more activities with me but I thought the camp director would probably have more things for the campers to do.

By the time this week of camp was over, I was more than ready to go home to my warm house! This experience taught me never to depend on the weather and to try to always have a back up plan.